Mobberley Pre-School Christmas Ceilidh

This is going to be a good 'un!

It's been a while since we last played a ceilidh at the Mobberley Victory Hall so we were more than a bit delighted to be invited to play a fundraising ceilidh for Mobberley Pre-School.

The big guns are out for this one: HopGoblin Big Band (HopGoblin + Olde Vic), with Baz Parkes calling.

This might mean that Rob, who normally calls for us, would be out of a job - but no, he's going to be joining us on stage, playing one of his very many melodeons! (A chap can never have enough melodeons, it's the law y'know).

Tickets for this humdinger of a ceilidh are available from Helen on 07826 658998,

Mobberley Pre-School is a registered charity: 1054730

HopGoblin Pre-School Christmas Ceilidh

Come visit us @ the Mobberley Pre-School Ceilidh!


The New Years Eve Ceilidh 2023


Harvest Ceilidh @ St Paul’s Church