HopGoblin Hallowe’en Ceilidh 2023

The HopGoblin Big Band Hallowe'en Ceilidh returns to New Mills Town Hall - a fun and fancy dress way to celebrate Hallowe'en!

Tickets from: https://www.wegottickets.com/event/588664

Bring your own drinks and picnic - and spooky Hallowe'en costume of course!

Last year we raised £1000 for MacMillan, the year before we raised £1000 for NW Air Ambulance, this year we're supporting Blythe House Hospice, https://blythehousehospice.org.uk/

See what we did last year: https://photos.app.goo.gl/nZULRNceHSWKzYYF6

The HopGoblin Halloween Ceilidh 2023

Supporting Blythe House Hospice


HopGoblin @ The Topaz Bar